We are a full service Digital service agency and we will help you connect with your customers on digital channels. 


SOQKO Digital Market Ltd is a digital business agency that provides integrated technology solutions. We serve some of Africa’s biggest businesses and most respected organisations.


We make GREAT looking websites that engage clients, build brands and meet sales targets


We create exciting marketing strategies, advertising campaigns and social media content that achieves results​


We have the experience to build the platforms your company needs on time and budget​

we want to share, what we know

Our team has expertise in digital communication channels and platforms. We accept consulting engagements that generate exceptional insights on what you need to do, how and when.

Technology and platforms

We can help you figure out the digital technology investments your company needs to make. We can advice on what technology and platforms would make a better impact for you.

Bang for your Buck

We will help you assess if you are you getting the most out of your investments in technology

Market Research​

Who are your customers and how best can you reach them? What are their greatest needs and how do you meet them cost effectively. We can help you answer these questions

customer Feedback

Don’t just take our word for it, here is some recent feedback from clients that we have worked with

Thank you.
D.K. (E-commerce Entrepreneur) 2023

We appreciate the speed with which you did our work
R.O.  (Political Aspirant) Kenya Elections 2022

My team and I appreciate the work you did for us
S.K. Jr (Communications Director, iNGO) 2022

We still use Mpesa payment integration you made for us
Innocent N.  (Start-up founder) 2020


Let us manage your website and digital media platforms. We will generate content and keep your audience engaged. 

Website maintenance and management

We will keep your website regularly updated and secured

Social media management

We will keep your social media account active and engage with the audience

Content that converts​

We will create content and implement campaigns that build your brand and convert audiences to your clients​

Visit Us

Thika Rd, Nairobi

Open Hours


Give Us a Call

0764 540044

We want to hear from you

SOQKO Digital Market Limited
Suite 105,
The Trio Complex, Ruaraka

Email: sales@soqkodigital.com
Phone: +254 764 540044

Talk to us

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